This would offer you a lot more control over timing and such, but the downside would be that you'd need to make specific animations for each actor that uses the skill, and iirc screen tinting doesn't affect battle animations, so that might cause some consistency issues if the battle screen is currently tinted a darker colour. the quality of your RPG Maker game with a custom idle animation. Then make your sv battler sprite invisible during the cast time. RPG Maker MV Custom Sprites - Markiplier By TheAlmightySinccubus Published: Favourites Comments 2.7K Views markiplier customsprites fanmade rpgmakermv These are some custom sprites my sweetheart helped me make for a fanmade RPG I'm making, which you can check out over on my GameJolt page. RM 2000/2003 RM XP RM VX/VX Ace RM MV/MZ rpg maker mz walking sprite template mean. The downside is that changes to animation speed and frame count will apply to all animations on the spritesheet, so you'd need to adjust everything else accordingly.Īnother method (that I haven't tried yet, but theoretically should work) would be to just add your battler sprite to the casting animation itself in the animations tab. If you want to add more frames to an animation however, you'll need to use a plugin. Your battler sprites can be almost any size you want, as long as the spritesheet follows the same proportions and layout.